About the Site


A background in starting the EMI site


There are two reasons why we decided to launch this site.

Japanese teachers and Japanese students have studied English as a foreign language. In other words, the purpose of learning is to improve English proficiency. However, at EMI, English is a means to learn. This change from an objective to a means has had a great impact not only on the students but also on the teachers. As you are reading this site, you must be devising your lessons through trial and error. However, there is a limit to what an individual can do. It is better to have a group of colleagues who can help you learn about approaches and activities that you may not have come up with on your own.

In addition, there are very few higher education institutions in Japan that systematically conduct faculty development (FD) related to EMI. At Hiroshima University, EMI FD has been offered as part of the training for new faculty for the past two years, but because it is held on a fixed date and time, not everyone is able to participate. The reality is that university faculty members, who are extremely busy every day with teaching, research, and school duties, may not be able to attend FD even if they wanted to.

Through the Oxford training course, we learned the definition of EMI, theories of second language acquisition and education, and theory-based approaches that can be used in the classroom. After the training, all of us realized that learning about and understanding EMI, and clearly learning what approaches are available, is essential for EMI classroom management. We then unanimously decided to give back to Hiroshima University what we had learned from the EMI training.

This is the background that led us to launch this website to provide knowledge and information about EMI and approaches that may be beneficial in the classroom. Online would help to solve the personal limitations and scheduling issues mentioned earlier.







